Neil Kennedy


Neil grew up in New England and lived the majority of his life on Cape Cod in Massachusetts where he received inspiration from Cape Cod ceramicists. Neil's dialogue with clay began while studying figurative and Renaissance art in Rome, Italy. After returning to the states, Neil took ceramics classes at multiple institutions studying with some of our nation's leading ceramicists including Nick Joerling, Mark Shapiro and Dimitri Hadzi. 

After Neil left the sports marketing world and moved to Santa Barbara, CA, he deepened his artistic commitment, began working in clay full time and started the search for his artistic voice. Neil permanently moved his home and studio to Lake Arrowhead three years ago with his husband Chuck. He has been inspired by the natural raw beauty of the mountains and the peacefulness it brings to all who see it. 

Neil's pieces are represented in many collections in Southern California and New England. His ceramic pieces range from functional thrown forms to coil and slab-built figurative sculptures. His current clay pieces meld thrown forms, slabs, altering, incising and sculpting. The glazes on the functional pieces, fired in an electric kiln, have been developed to give the surface the depth and beauty traditionally associated with reduction firing. Neil's pieces meld a spiritual simplicity with a figurative rhythm and physical energy. This comes from being a kinetic individual, from a lifetime of playing sports, and his appreciation of Japanese ceramics and classical sculpture. 

Neil volunteer's at Camp Paivika in Crestline, teaching ceramics to children and adults with disabilities. In the mountains, his work is featured at the Lake House in Cedar Glen and now at the Mountain Art Gallery.


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