Dave Wescott

David Wescott received his Masters of Art Education degree from Cal State Los Angeles in 1978 after completing his undergraduate studies in Fine ARt at the San Diego and London campus' of U.S. International University. He taught secondary ARt for 34 years in the local Rim School District. 

During those years he was also a consultant for the California Department of Education, the Commission for Teachers Credentialing, and was a director of special programs for the California Arts Project. These adjunct assignments allowed him to impact the direction of arts education statewide, and he continues to work as a consultant for Sacramento in his retirement. 

A Visit to Santa Fe in the summer of 1995 began to change the direction of the art he created outside his local environment. Studying with Albert Handell, a nationally recognized pastel artist, Wescott began to discover his own voice adding watercolor to this challenging medium and produced landscaped for his own pleasure. A lifelong love of travel provided an endless array of subject matter. His landscapes reflect the light of the southwest, the hills of Tuscany and Provence, as well as the woods and meadows of Lake Arrowhead and New England. 

Dave currently serves of the Board of Directors for the Mountain Arts Network responsible for education programs at the new Community Arts Center in the Lake Arrowhead Village. 

Mike Ambs

I love to film things, tell stories, and read on the subway. I'm pretty sure blue whales are my power animal.